Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Final Product

Almost 50 glitches later. No, wait. I take that back. I ended up with almost 50 pictures, but many of them took more than one glitch session to complete. In fact, there were quite a few that didn't work, which meant I had to throw the work out and start again. Glitch art is a surprisingly delicate process. Regardless, after all of that, it came time to combine them into what might appear to be the ultimate selfie. (I could launch into a discussion about how selfies could be considered an art form of their own, but I will avoid that temptation.)

Why would I go to all the trouble of finding all of these important, historical factors just to combine them into a picture of myself? Because history is something we all find within ourselves. We are born of forefathers who were born of their forefathers and so on and so forth. We are part of one massive human ladder, connected and built up by those of the past. As I engaged each of the pieces, I was forced to engage each of the things they stood for. The ideas they held. Each of these pieces required an individual, sometimes more than one.

There is creativity in everything, if we're willing to look for it. And, through this project, I think I can say I found creativity in all facets of life.

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